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I'm a big REfan, or addict, if you'd rather say that. I've got over 60 REgames in my collection.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fifth time's a charm~

Or is it, really?

”Resident Evil” Retribution premiered in cinemas a few weeks ago, and even though I’m not really a fan of the movies, I decided to watch it. I had seen the earlier films in the series a few days earlier, to freshen up my memory of them – but it just made it all more obvious that they are full of plot holes. Two years ago, my friends and I dressed up in our cosplays for the premiere of “Resident Evil” Afterlife. Though, this time with Retribution, we did not really bother. It was partly because we were not the same gang that went to see Afterlife, but also because it simply felt unnecessary. 

The premiere of Afterlife.
I’m not going to complain “too much” about Retribution – after all, it was better than Extinction and Afterlife (which, sadly, makes it top three). The thing about the movies it that they are so very different from the universe in the games, even though the beloved characters and scenes are freely copied. How they have managed to create Majinis, Executioners and Las Plagas from the T-virus is another story. I will be honest – I have actually liked the first movie since the first time I saw it on a borrowed VHS many years ago. As a Zombie-movie, it is quite okay (one of the few ones that have actually kept the traditional versions), and it is so much different from the story of the now 16 years old game. It is with the second part, Apocalypse, the first problems arise. Jill Valentine has been suspended from her job at the Raccoon City Police Department after the death of her partner, Leon S. Kennedy. Sure, it is up to Paul W.S Anderson if he wants to kill the classic characters – but Leon still looks very healthy in Retribution.

During yesterday's press conference, Captain Henderson
noted that Officer Valentine had been suffering from post-trau-
matic stress disorder due to the recent death of her partner, Leon
– Newspaper clip from Jill’s wall in Apocalypse.

Johann Urb as Leon in Retribution.
If I liked the new movie? When one looks away from the videogame series I have loved almost my whole life, it is okay. It contains action, Executioners as skinny as the ones in Afterlife (I guess it is due to the fact that they are created with the T-virus instead of Uroboros – a whole new “diet”) and a story that makes one think. A little. At least. What I mean is that I like the games way too much to be able to fully accept the movies – it is partly because of that reason that I have decided to write “Resident Evil” in quotation marks as soon as the movies are mentioned. I you happen to mention to a fan of the videogames (who probably does not like the movies) that you began playing the games after have seen Paul W.S Anderson’s interpretations of the series, you may very much regret it. After all, I have used about 500 words (up until now) to explain why I not exactly jump up and down with joy when a new “Resident Evil”-movie is announced.

I may have been mistaken, but one of the lines in the latest movie at least gave me a little hope. One of the characters (I do not remember exactly, excuse me for that) said “Next floor: mens’ wear, sportswear” (or something like that), which I see as a “salutation” to Stephani Danelle Perry’s Resident Evil-novel Underworld, which is the fourth in her series, as well as the second that is not based upon a specific game. In this book, the character named John Andrews (who also happens to be a personal favourite) "First floor, shoes, meanswear, Umbrella assholes." followed by ’John said, not particularly bothered that he didn't get a laugh.' Since I have the book at my parents’, I had to ask a friend what he says exactly. Thanks for helping me, Lara!

Through the use of the fans’ of the videogames favorite characters and memorable scenes, the creator of the movies might think he pleases them. For me, this falls flat when said characters are not portrayed right (a Claire without a ponytail and vests, for instance) and Alice steals the spotlight in those scenes. No, Paul W.S Anderson – redo and make it right. If that is even possible.

Lastly, I would like to mention a game that a friend of mine suggested – a drinking game where one drinks whenever a “facepalm” is an appropriate reaction. “You would be completely wasted after the second or third movie.”

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New layout~

Thought it was time to give my blog a new "header". The Valkyrie is the one that's nicely put on the back of my cosplay vest from Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles (Game of Oblivion). The lineart is drawn by me, and then it's fixed and coloured digitally by Sanna. Thought it would look good in my blog =)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Time to test: Resident Evil Revelations (the newest demo)

A new demo for Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS was released yesterday. Sanna and I decided to play it together while having a video chat on Skype. She got to hear and see me get scared of the same thing more than once...

It took a while until we figured out how to heal, and the Item Scanner was a bit confusing until we realized that the papers weren't the interesting thing. The fun part though, was when a few cute monsters fell from the ceiling, and I literally jumped in my seat (knocking my windowsill) and screamed "Oh shit!" at the same time. Sanna thought it was very funny.

We decided to take screen prints of us both when we played. We had paused our games, and discovered that the demo ends if you've paused it for too long. "Thanks for playing". So we had to start over. One would think I wouldn't be scared by the falling guys this time. But I was. I jumped, but I didn't scream. A bit more prepared for it at least. A bit.

Since it took us a while to figure out how to throw grenades, I was killed. Sanna continued, and I had to start over. Then I came to that corridor again... "I should know that they will fa-" *jumps*. In other words, it's proven that this game will scare you, haha. That time, I made it past all of the enemies, but I was all out of ammo. I even had to knife the last enemy in my desperation. Lucky I had enough herbs for it! My first thought when the demo was over was "Was that it?"

I'm really looking forward to playing the full game when it's released. It has potential enough to be really good!


Here are a few of the pictures we took! Two of them are Sanna's, and one is mine.

Thumbs up - the demo is ready to be played!
Trying to figure out how to heal in the middle of a battle...
A sad Emelie and a shocked Sanna!
Sanna, thank you for the pictures, and for wanting to play the demo with me! =D 

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Resident Evil-collection - January 2012

I thought it would be fun to start the new year off with a new photo of my Resident Evil-collection. I've mentioned a few times before how my REcollection began to grow, but I thought it would be interesting to take a quick look at my years as an REfan.

My first encounter with the Resident Evil-series was when my brother borrowed the first REgame from a classmate. My brother played it, I watched and tried to help him with some of the puzzles and such (I was around 6-7 years old at the time). The first REgame he actually bought was Resident Evil 2, platinum. After that, he got RE3 and later RE4. RE4 was the first I beat myself. The first REgame I bought for my own money was Resident Evil Code: Veronica X platinum in 2007. 2008 was the year I decided to try and play all of the games - since the disc for RE3 had disappeared, I bought it for PC. After a rage-quit due to the controllers, I later bought it for GameCube. That was also the year that I finally got a hold of the very first game and actually began to buy more of the games and a lot of other RErelated things.

In June 2009, this was my "little" collection.
18 games and a lot more things.
In August 2009, this was what I had. 20 games - two more than the previous picture. This was the only time I actually let my posters be included in some way. They're hanging on my walls and I'm lazy...
April 2010. Only the games were included - 24.
February 2011 - 27 games and some other things.
In September 2011, these were the RErelated things I had. The foot came as a bonus - it's not mine x)
September 2011 - the same day as the previous picture was taken. 31 REgames.
This picture and the next were taken two days ago. The bottom row is the content of the white box (15th Anniversary). The soundtracks were not included in this photo, hehe. I got my REArchives only a few days ago, so that's the first game I've bought this year. I now have a total of 37 REgames.
And lastly, the things I have in my collection that's not the games. The games from the white box got to be in this one too, since I really didn't want to put my soundtracks on the floor. Everything related to the movies are excluded. Also, my 3 calendars and my 4 posters are hanging nicely on my walls =D
 So yeah, this is how my collection has grown through the years. It's a bit hard to imagine that there actually was a time when everything in my collection could fit into a single photo! =D There are surely other people out there with bigger collections than mine, but I'm extremely proud over what I have. It has taken a few years to get to this point.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Well, hello there!

So... I haven't updated this blog in very long while... My Swedish blog has kind of taken all of my attention when it comes to blogging. I'll try my best to update here more often thugh!